Monday, December 28, 2015

3 Reasons you Should Kick Diet Soda to the Curb

3 Reasons you Should Kick Diet Soda to the Curb

Diet soda is good for you, right? I mean, it has the word “diet” in it, so it should help me lose weight. WRONG. It is actually the exact opposite! Let me tell you how your diet soda habit can be ruining your health. Here are 3 reasons you should kick diet soda to the curb.

It leads to weight gain, not weight loss:

Research has found that drinking diet soda can actually cause you to eat unhealthier. People who drink diet soda actually crave sugar-packed foods like cookies and ice cream, which obviously increases daily calorie intake. Why does diet soda cause people to eat unhealthier foods? One explanation could be that because people think that their soda is “diet” then they can justify eating a cookie or muffin. Another explanation may be that when you know you"re not consuming any liquid calories, it might be easier to justify that extra order of fries or another order of chicken nuggets.r535f1e2241e07-no-more-diet-coke

  It confuses your body:

Fake sweeteners have a much sweeter flavor than real sugar. Over time your taste buds become used to the sweeter taste, so naturally sweet foods like fruit don’t taste as good. Plus, artificial sweeteners have the same effect on your body as sugar, causing your body to store fat and gain weight. So what is the point of artificial sweeteners if they aren’t any better for you than sugar?

There is no nutritional value:

When you drink diet soda you are not consuming calories, but you also aren’t taking in anything that is good for your body. The best zero calorie beverage is water! Spice it up with fruit or try sparkling water to change it up! By replacing water with diet soda your body’s processes are being negatively effected.

I know reaching for a diet coke when you are craving something sweet is tempting, but do your body a favor and go for water instead! You will be much better off in the long run when you do.

XOXO, Chels 


Tags: #3ReasonsYouShouldKickDietSodaToTheCurb, #BadFood, #BadForYou, #DietSoda, #DietSodaFacts, #Health, #HealthyEatingAdvice, #Lifestyle, #Soda, #Chelsea Crockett, #Beautyliciousinsider, #Chelseacrockett, #Chelsea, #Beautylicious, %Tags%, Chelsea Crockett, Beautyliciousinsider, Chelseacrockett, Chelsea, Beautylicious, Makeup, Beauty, Fashion, Cometics, Youtube, beauty guru
Category: #Lifestyle, Lifestyle

By: Chels

See Chelsea Crockett - BeautyLiciousInsider on YouTube

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